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Old 01-02-2012, 12:18 AM
Troubador182 Troubador182 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 1


I haven't had time to read through all of these yet, but from what I've gleaned there was definitely a TON of useful info.

I've had a ridiculous amount of drawing to this profession, ever since I was just a tyke, and it's only grown more and more. I am constantly looking at new and old tattoos, sketching up numerous designs on my down time, and have finally gotten to the point where 1)hopefully I can afford a good apprenticeship and 2)can afford to back myself for supplies and the like.

My biggest question I guess would be, while searching for just the right apprenticeship, would purchasing a gun or two or a starter kit and practicing on fake skin be a worthwhile approach? How does fake skin compare to the actual act of applying ink to the real deal?

I've always been incredibly detail oriented when it comes to art and I know that I can become a good, if not great, tattoo artist. But right now, with no experience, I know there's so much to learn. I'm willing to go through just about anything to find myself in a place where I just love doing what I do for a living.

All tattoo artists I've met, with the exception of the occasional arrogant dude, have been friendly, knowledgeable, and just all around cool people. And most of them do their own forms of art outside the shop! I can't wait to get started in some way, shape, or form to get to there.

Thanks for any and all words of advice!
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