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Old 02-01-2011, 07:03 PM
wynterz wynterz is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
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Default Re: Stupid Scottish Laws

Originally Posted by jerseyjaywymbs View Post
typos are funny, pointing them out is even funnier. i'm not one to get all in a hissy, just having a laugh. as far as inventions are concerned, light bulb, wireless comunication, airplane, and yes, atomic bomb all amazing creations of the US. the statement about what scots know about the earth is genius. are you bastards keeping secrets? because most of mankind still doesn't know s&!t about the earth. nothing gives me a bigger chuckle then european countries calling america war mongers. our country was created by pissed off europeans who wanted religious and poltical freedom from tyranical dictators. so they came to a foriegn land and destroyed other peoples religions and ways of life. i wonder where they learned to do that? who gave them the ships and weapons to do so?

and just so we're clear, this thread was about stupid laws, not a blast on an entire country. stupid is as humans do. regardless of nationality. enjoy a joke, have a laugh, stop getting all up tight.

Wireless communication was actually invited by guglielmo and he was from italy.. Or are you refering to the "cell phone" because HE wouldn't of had the idea of creating a cell phone without Alexander Graham Bell from SCOTLAND who created the first telephone.
Atomic BOMB: .. what good does that do? lol. Destroy.. what your country is best at. DISASTERS.
We created the Industrial Revolution.
Half you americans sit ON YOUR *ARSE watching t.v who invented that? THE SCOTTISH!
Penicillin cures most things cures would be nothing without it who discovered it ALEXANDER FLEMING.. A SCOT.
I wouldnt go to far into scientific things I might hurt your brain, But look up scottish inventions most of the smartest people come from Scotland.
America created the first successful aeroplane but they did not make the first one or design the first one...

Scotland invent- Chinese create it smaller- AMERICA MAKES IT BIGGER.

But why? because they are greedy, they want to feel in power.
America cant think for themselfs they take ideas from other people, they arent independant, they have to sign with other countries because they are powerless and clueless on there own just because its a big country doesnt mean there any less powerfull than the rest of other nations.

and im really enjoying this, this is fun though. maybe not for you but it is for me so dont tell me what is fun and whats not because im finding this very fun.

p.s I aint getting "hissy" I just love arguing with Americans.
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