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Old 07-15-2011, 03:04 AM
Tatu Hustla Tatu Hustla is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 2
Default Re: TLC to launch "Tattoo School" on July 14!?!?

For those of you who refused to watch the show I'll give you a recap.

"It's pretty much a bunch of people that are tired of their current jobs and had some weird epiphany that taking up tattooing was a good idea. The contestants this weeks aaaare:

A army stay-at-home wife/mom

A art teacher

A loser/poser that sounds exactly like Seth Rogan

A gay guy that needed nurturing and reassuring through out the WHOLE 2 week course.

It starts off with them doing one banana then diving straight into real skin. They go one at a time and do a simple tribal or solid type tattoo. I would have to guess and say that 90% of the ink is going to fall out or scab up badly on these tattoos.
The next day they are given a much bigger design to do. Pretty much an all day affair.
2 students(gay and army wife) doing a identical tribal-ish design on a gay couple. Lots of whining and self doubt from the Gay...Army wife actually works pretty good under pressure.

Art teacher gets a flower to do and is told to use lighter pressure on his stencil so his lines aren't so masculine and bold. He continues to do the same during his lining and ends up having to go over his lines multiple times.(Thanks Award winning instructor!)

Seth Rogan gets a forearm sized tiger and Tyrone the screaming crackhead as a client. You can pretty much guess how that one went.

After all the bad tattoos they are made to do a "Final Test/Tattoo"
Art teacher comes out on top with a native american tattoo. Either he's hired and/or this is scripted I just can't see how he can do what he did in 10 days. Army wife is a close second with a french girl(i think) color portrait. 3rd goes to Gay guy with a foot tat(don't remember the design) and Last is Seth Rogan with a horribly redesigned Grim Reaper( that he tried to put on his friend's ribs but never finished.

It's like a horrible car crash. You just can't help but look.

At the end of the episode it pretty much sums up what we were all afraid of.

Art Teacher: got a lot of requests from people to do their tattoos..probably out of his kitchen.

Army wife: When her husband returned from Afghanistan she ended up tattooing all his friends..probably from her home.

Gay guy: Got an apprecticeship at a local shop. . . where they probably have to deprogram his $4800 education/bad habits. I hope he doesn't wear his "Tattoo Learning Center" T-shirt into the shop. haha

Seth Rogan: Went back to his old job but scored a tattoo machine from Ebay so he could finish his friend's jacked up rib tat.

Winner: No one..well maybe the people that only have to spend 40 bucks($200 all you can handle!!!) on a sleeve and a consolation prize of Hep B when they go to these people. *shaking my head*

Last edited by Tatu Hustla; 07-18-2011 at 05:00 PM..
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